Willhelmsen sailing group and tech firm Kongsberg created a joint venture called Massterly, the first sailing company that will focus on autonomous maritime transport, through which they intend to offer a complete value chain for ships with these characteristics, from design and development to systems of controls, logistics services and operations. Thomas Wilhelmsen, Whillhelmsen CEO, noted Norway has taken a leading position in the development of autonomous maritime transport: “through the creation of the new company called Massterly, we take the next step in this path by establishing infrastructure and services to design and operate ships, as well as advanced logistics solutions associated with autonomous maritime operations”. This service will be provided through the establishment of ground control centers to monitor and operate autonomous vessels in Norway and other countries. Geir Håøy, Kongsberg CEO, noted Norway has taken a leading position in the development of autonomous maritime transport: "by creating the new company called Massterly, we take the next step in this path by establishing infrastructure and services to design and operate ships, as well as solutions advanced logistics associated with autonomous maritime operations". "Autonomy and remote operations are an important development for the maritime industry and Norway has been possible thanks to the close cooperation between the Norwegian maritime group and the Norwegian authorities," Håøy added. Wilhelmsen noted that the company, currently beginning the development process, sees a significant market for autonomous maritime transport services and digitization of infrastructure and operations in the near future. With information from: https://portalportuario.cl/empresa-que-desarrollara-naves-autonomas-entrara-en-operaciones-en-agosto/ http://mundomaritimo.cl/noticias/massterly-la-primera-empresa-focalizada-en-el-transporte-maritimo-autonomo-se-establece-en-noruega https://sectormaritimo.es/noruega-transporte-maritimo-autonomo